Hello girls! Did you know that my favorite time of the year is summer? I love being on the beach, the pool, spending time with my friends and much more! However, it is also a difficult time for our hair, and we must pay close attention to its care.

I leave a list of tips for you to take note and apply:

  1. Cutting the ends of your hair every 6 weeks will help stimulate their growth.
  2. Washing the hair with cold water will close the cuticles and provide more shine.
  3. Be careful girls! Although it may not seem like it, food also influences the appearance of our hair and our skin. It is very important to have a balanced diet rich in vitamins.
  4. I recommend changing your shampoo for one that is free of salt, sulfates, parabens and gluten. These chemicals cause frizz and volume, remove Keratin -a protein that is responsible for hydrating and strengthening your hair-, they cause loss of color, irritate the skin and damage the scalp.
  5. Use oils made with natural or organic ingredients. In addition to working as thermal protectors, they will provide protein to your hair; leaving it fully hydrated and beautiful!
  6. Apply a mask that contains acidic pH and organic inputs, from middle to ends, 2 times a week depending on their washing frequency. Your hair will thank you infinitely.
  7. Every time you get out of the sea or the pool, rinse and brush your hair. This is a great way to remove salt, sand, or chlorine residue; and, obviously, it will reduce the damage they cause.
  8. Apply a serum, from middle to ends, before and after swimming in the sea or in the pool. This leave-in conditioner, which does not require rinsing, will act as a sunscreen, preventing the sun's rays from damaging it further.
  9. Do not abuse the iron or the dryer, their high temperatures contribute to hair dryness, so, we better let our hair rest a little.
  10. Bye to the parted hairstyle! By being in the sun for so many hours, your scalp could get burned. Ideally, you should comb your hair back Full freedom!

If after following my recommendations, you want to give your hair a new color without damaging it, you can use DUO COLOR NUTRITION because, thanks to the concentration of its four organic nourishing oils, Coconut, Almonds, Avocado and Shea Butter, it maximizes the hair color and nutrition benefits. Excellent, right?

A kiss
Happy Anne.